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This will allow you to import into MemberLink® a .CSV File (spreadsheet format file) containing the names and contact information for unregistered users. Unregistered users are people who have not already been added to your MemberLink® system either by an Administrator or by the self-registering process.
Their username and password will be generated by the program during the Import process. The username will be their Firstname_Lastname while the password will be just their Firstname.
The .CSV File MUST have lines like the following example:

** Note: The header column names must be exactly as shown. Also note that the column header names match the column headers used when you ?Export a List?.
Exact Column Names
Here is an exact list of the column names that you can copy-paste:
Member/Employee ID#
First Name
Last Name
Zip Code
Cell Phone
Email Address
Birth Date
Personal Mailing Name
Family Mailing Name
Person Gender
Envelope Number
Spouse Name
Children Names
Employer Name
Job Title
Work Phone
Employers Website
Spiritual Gifts
Date Joined
Date Left
** Very Important: Avoid putting any commas in name, number, or other text.
All phone numbers can be in one of three formats. (example: (555) 555-3540 or 555-555-3540 or 5555553540)
All dates should be mm/dd/YYYY (example: 12/21/2012) but other formats are acceptable, such as Oct 3, 2012. However, you can leave the year off of Birth Date and just enter 12/21.
When mapping or creating your .CSV File document for importing, it must match the pictured example above. Fields may be left blank if no data is available for import.
Columns do not have to be in this order; they can be in any order.
The Envelope Number field is for Envelope Numbers of Contributions.
** Note: There is a ?Test? Checkbox in the Import dialog. It is wise to use the Test Checkbox the first time you do an Import. This will reveal any errors you may have in your input spreadsheet. After the Test successfully completes, you can be confident that your Import will succeed.
Custom Data Fields:
If you have Custom Data Fields defined, the exact text of the Custom Data Field MUST be put in the column header.
For example, if you have "Organization Name?" as a custom field, then the column header for that field must be exactly "Organization Name?" including the ?.
You may use Custom Data Fields that are ?group drop-down? type fields. But the values present must match exactly with the names of the values defined for that particular Custom Data Field. If you try to Import any values not defined in the ?group drop-down? values, the spreadsheet values will be ignored.
"CAA Product Help" from CAA Ministries at or 404-551-4230