CAA Product Help
(HELP ?) Circles provide narratives on Training, Explanations, and Hints. These can be related to the overall screen, or to specific items on the screen.
You found the (HELP ?) Circle narrative for "Using the Survey selection menu" by clicking the (COMPREHENSIVE HELP ?) Circle on the "EMAIL & TEXTING" Screen in MemberLink or any of the other screens related to "Email & Texting" that have this (COMPREHENSIVE HELP ?) Circle.
Before proceeding, please be sure you have previously clicked the (HELP ?) Circle that leads to the narrative on "Overview and Basics: Using the Email & Texting Function". Being familiar with the general information about the "EMAIL & TEXTING" Screen may be helpful to you.
The following information relates specifically to using the Questionnaire or Survey selection menu option.
** Note: People using the Member Portal module will not have this option. Administrators using the email system from the Administrator module will have this option.
Using the "Questionnaire Selection Menu" Option:
When you have finished building your email or texting message, complete with your target distribution list, you have the option of "imbedding" a link to a Questionnaire that will help you conduct a survey of the recipients.
Before you send the message, you can select the a Questionnaire (or "survey"). There is a Checkbox labeled, "Do you want your recipients to answer a questionnaire?" If you turn that Checkbox "ON", when you click the [SEND EMAIL NOW] Button, you will see a menu selection (drop-down) list labeled "Survey".
If you want to send a survey, use this drop-down list and select the name of the Questionnaire you want to send to them. The system will imbed a hyperlink to that Questionnaire into your email message. The recipients can click the link, answer the survey questions, and "submit" the survey. They can accomplish all of that from within your email message without having to login to the Member Portal module.
** Note: You must create the Questionnaire before you can select it here for distribution. Go to the Operations Bar and click the "SURVEYS" Tab to create Questionnaires.
That same functional area that lets you create surveys also has Tally and Report features to assist you in keeping track of responses.
"CAA Product Help" from CAA Ministries at or 404-551-4230